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  • Writer's pictureProject on Workforce Team

Skillbase Selected as an 'Innovator to Watch' by JFF

Professional woman, jobs for the future

JFF (Jobs For the Future) has selected the Project on Workforce's Skillbase platform as one of 15 'innovators to watch', as part of their research report Learning as an Experience.

In the report JFFLabs takes closer look at the evolving alternative education and training market, with a focus on solutions that have a "measurable impact on workers’ wage and employment prospects." The program providers and platforms selected help employers recruit, develop, and retain workers and make up "an ecosystem of opportunity that workers can turn to throughout their careers as they navigate new pathways in an ever-evolving economy."

According to the report "Skillbase stands out because of its accessibility and quality. Anyone can use the platform for free, it’s easy to navigate, and the curation process ensures that it offers only high-quality resources. As a result, users save time because they don’t have to wade through the long lists of questionable results they might get with search engines.

To amplify the platform’s impact and ensure that it reaches the people it would benefit the most, the Skillbase team partners with employment centers and community-based organizations. For example, they worked with a nonprofit to incorporate Skillbase’s platform and resources into an English language class. And they have offered career center staffers training in the most effective ways to help clients who want to use Skillbase but are unfamiliar with digital tools.

As an aggregator of existing online content, Skillbase can continually expand its library by adding new third-party resources as they become available."


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